Tuesday, June 16, 2009

1 Week Down, 3 to Go

It was just a little over a week ago that Johnny had his surgery done, and he is looking good.  He is running around and playing like he always did.  We are amazed at how good the scar looks on his head.  It is really healing up nicely, and now that the hair has started to grow to cover it, you almost have to really look to see it.
Yesterday he went with Erica to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point.  She wanted to take him because lately he has been really into dinosaurs, and she thought he would be excited about it.  She was right, I guess as they came around the corner and saw the first dinosaur he started jumping up and down and getting excited.  He enjoyed the outing very much.
His newest thing is being addicted to chocolate milk.  He was already addicted to regular milk, but last week we bought some premade chocolate milk, and he loved it.  Now he won't have his milk any other way.  He also loves hot chocolate, so when we were out of the chocolate milk, Erica would make him the hot chocolate, which he began signing when he wanted to drink by signing hot, then chocolate.  Last night we went to the store and got him some mix for chocolate milk, since that is easier than making hot chocolate all the time, and he likes it just fine.
I am amazed at my little boy.  To be his old happy self again, this soon after surgery amazes me.  He has bounced back so well.  He still remembers the surgery, I think, but he has moved on.  I know he doesn't know the impact it will have, but in just three weeks, he will, and hopefully he'll eventually understand why we put him through all of this.

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