Monday, September 21, 2009

Monthly Update

School has started for me, and that is why there has been such a long break in between blog posts. I wanted to take a few minutes to update everyone on everything that is going on in our lives, because life does not stand still!
Johnny is making great strides with both the implant as well as signing. He has started to imitate more sounds that he hears, including fire engines and the word "bye". He has also started to turn when we call his name, which is pretty cool.
Even cooler has been the increase in proficiency we have seen in his signing. He is starting to link bunches of words together to make sentences. Sometimes he will sign things so fast, I am not sure what he is signing. His favorite sign is Firefighter, since that is his current obsession. Today, we went to Erica's parents' house for a western night. They had a fire going, and as everyone was kind of leaving, and the fire was dying, Johnny waved his hand to get my attention and then signed fire, Firefighter, then water, and made the action of spraying water on the fire. Apparently, he wanted the fire department to come and put out the fire. It is amazing to me that he can put that all together. He has also begun to master the art of talking back in his signing, like when we tell him it is time for bed, or time to change his diaper. He is very good at signing no and shaking his head, then he looks anywhere, except at us. I would get angry, if it weren't so cute!
Johnny has also been enjoying the football season. I got him a little football outfit, that he wore for five days straight. I also took him to the first Utah home game, and he loved it. Now, every once in a while, you will find him getting down in his stance, and then jump up and run, sometimes he just runs, and sometimes he will run at me to tackle me. It is awesome. I think he is going to be a linebacker someday. Who knows?
Eliza is beginning to make more sounds as well. She just turned one on September 8, and it has been incredible to see how much of a little personality she has been developing. She smiles and laughs all the time. Her favorite game is to find a piece of clothing and drape it over her head and then walk around with it on up there. It's just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. She has begun to mimic more of the gestures she sees. Tonight at dinner, I signed eat to her, and so she moved her hand up to her mouth, copying me. Her favorite sign is what. She walks around all day doing that sign, nonstop. I think she must see us do it all the time, either that, or she really just wants to know what everything is.
Erica is doing well. We are getting more and more excited about our next little one on the way. At first it was a shock, but now we are just excited. Boy or girl, this little baby is coming to a great family, with awesome older sibling to show him or her the ropes.

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