Sunday, May 10, 2009


Today is Mother's Day, so I thought that his would be a perfect time to write about my beautiful bride, and Johnny and Eliza's wonderful mother.  I met Erica in September 2005, fresh off her mission to Uruguay.  She was shy and quiet, but I knew she was something special.  On our second date, I knew we were going to get married.  I didn't share that with her, because I didn't want to scare her off, but I was certain.  We dated for about a month and a half, then got engaged to be married.  Shortly after that, in April of 2006, we got married.  
As I got to know Erica, I fell more and more in love with her.  One thing that I loved about her was how smart she was.  She was way smarter than I was, and still is.  We could have great conversations about anything in the world.  She was so talented.  Erica can really do anything she puts her mind into.  The other thing I really loved about her was that she wanted to be a mother, right away. She did not want a career or anything, just to be a mother.  For me, that was what I was looking for, that was right for me.  That may not be right for everyone, but I was ready for a family right away.
We didn't waste any time.  We were married in April and were pregnant by May.  I always heard horror stories about how wives could be when they are pregnant.  I never experienced it though.  There was definitely a difference in her, but it was mostly positive.  She just glowed while she was pregnant.  I thought she had been beautiful before, but she was beyond beauty while she was pregnant.  
In January of 2007, Johnny was born.  Erica was so amazingly tough.  I couldn't believe it.  She went through it like a pro.  When she held Johnny in her arms, it became apparent that she was born to be a mother, and I could see how much she loved and cared for him right away.  She patiently learned the ins and outs of being a mother, and gave of herself like I had never seen before.
In September of 2008, we welcomed Eliza into our family, and I saw that same toughness and love in Erica again.  Her concern had been how Johnny would react to Eliza.  I was not worried because he had learned nothing but love and caring from his mother.  He loved Eliza from day one, just like he had learned from Erica.
Day in and day out I watch Erica with my kids.  I watch the innovative ways that she finds to teach them new concepts and ideas.  I watch how she patiently plays with them, colors with them, paints with them.  I watch how she lovingly cares for each of them, and teaches them to care for each other.  I know she feels frustrated sometimes because of the special circumstances we fins=d ourselves in.  I watch her and I know that the Lord has blessed Johnny and Eliza with the perfect mom.  I see this in the way that Johnny lovingly tries to teach Eliza the words he knows by pointing to pictures and objects and then signing them.  I see it in the way the two of my children play together.  I see it in the way that Johnny protects his little sister.  I see it in the way Johnny reverently signs words like temple and Jesus and church.  I see it in my kids' smiles and laughter.  They are happy kids, because they have a superb mother.
In addition to a great mother, I could not have asked for a better wife.  She has stood by me through ups and downs, through school and work.  There have been times when I feel like giving up, but I know she still believes in me, and I find it in myself  to believe in me.  The Lord has blessed me with the perfect wife.  I am everything I am today because of her, and her believing in me when nobody else did.
So, on this Mother's Day, I want to recognize my hero, my wife.  She is awesome, and I am so blessed to have her in my life.  I thank the Lord everyday for blessing me with the opportunity to spend this life and eternity with Erica.